Welcome to our Insight blog where you will find stories and announcements that pertain to the industries Pyrotek serves, from aluminium to zinc galvanizing to glass to acoustics to battery materials and more.
Pyrotek Ceramite® Floor Tiles Withstand Extreme Environments, Ideal for High-Wear Areas
by David Cole | 14 December 2021
Foundry operators and aluminium processors work to reduce downtime, and would like to avoid it altogether for something like damaged or worn floor tiles. There’s enough to worry about already with furnaces, troughs and casting stations.

Pyrotek Profile: Massimiliano Doria
Massimiliano Doria, Regional Melt Circulation and Recovery Sales Manager, explains how Pyrotek pumps can benefit aluminium and zinc customers, and how the non-ferrous metals industry has changed in recent years.

Pyrotek Offers Coatings for Aluminium Operations
by David Cole | 10 January 2019
Pyrotek has more than 30 core coating products, with a variety suited for the aluminium industry. They can be applied to anything in contact with molten aluminium.

Pyrotek Zinc Recovery System Vs. Old Ball-Mill Process
by David Cole | 14 December 2018
With the acquisition of an MZR-2000 zinc-recovery unit, with a capacity of 2000 kilograms (4400 pounds), plants could decommission their dross mills.
Pyrotek Tests Pumps for Global Customers at Ohio Facility
by David Cole | 4 December 2018
Pyrotek conducts water modeling of pumps and its LOTUSS vortex technology at its facility in Aurora, Ohio, USA.