Vertical Direct Chill (VDC) Billet Casting


VDC Billot Casting Callouts 650x364


  1. Backup Insulation
  2. Tabletop Refractory
  3. Refractory Protective Coatings
  4. Mastics and Mortars
  5. Fiberseal Packing Wools
  6. Transition Plates and Header Plates
  7. Thimbles
  8. Fiberseal Papers
  9. Casting Mould Lubricants
  10. Molten Aluminium Safety Coatings

The VDC billet casting process is the method most used today for production of commercial aluminium billets that will be further fabricated by either extrusion or forging. This process produces fine-grained billets with a minimum amount of segregation and at high production rates. Metal quality and minimal downtime are key to producing high-value product and scrap reduction.

Pyrotek offers proven solutions for VDC billet casting, including billet table refractory, coatings, transition plates, machined graphite, thimbles, thermocouples, refractory shapes, seals and gaskets, backup insulation and casting lubricants.

Benefits include:

  • Increased metal quality
  • Reduced energy costs
  • Improved process efficiency
  • Reduced downtime
  • Customized solutions

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Additional Information

  • Product Lines Continued – Tabletop refractory, thimbles, and transition plates
  • Billet Casting Process – Casting technology insight, describe concerns of Pyrotek customers in this product area, and share some forecasting about where the market is heading
  • Mastics, Pourable Insulation, Lubricants - For Billet Casting Applications