ZYP Coatings


Pyrotek is the exclusive distributor for ZYP Coatings Inc. into the molten metal industry. ZYP is a world leader in boron nitride coatings and specializes in paintable high-temperature ceramic refractory coatings.

Boron nitride (BN) coatings are nonwetting to molten aluminium and most non-ferrous metals and have become the most trusted and most used coating in effectively protecting ceramic and steel substrates. ZYP's coatings are available in varying BN concentrations and with select binders, so that end users have a choice when it comes to the degree of non-wetting and erosion resistance they need for their particular process and substrate. Boron Nitride product line capabilities include:

  • Withstands up to 1000°C (1832°F) in oxidizing atmospheres, 1400°C (2552°F) in vacuum, and 1800°C (3272°F) in inert gas atmosphere
  • Non-wetting to molten aluminium and most nonferrous metals, salts, fluxes and slags
  • Resistant to molten metal corrosion and drosses
  • Extremely lubricious—solidified metal will not stick
  • Stop-off and weld spatter release
  • Available in water based, solvent based, and aerosol
  • Special erosion resistant formulations available
  • Protects ceramics, steel, graphites, and more
  • Thermally conductive, electrically insulating
  • Custom binder systems, which help maximize efficiency for a particular substrate and application
  • ZYP boron nitride premium coatings are entirely inorganic and consist of boron nitride and ceramic binders with no added fillers

For sticky alloys, higher temperature applications, or specific processes, a Pyrotek application engineer can help you find the right product.