Furnace Systems and Tools

Red and Plain Cast Iron TCPT 0160 1


Since 1974, the Pyrotek TAB Refractory Services team has performed furnace relines and maintenance for major aluminium companies around the world. The team has installed more than 1,100 aluminium furnace linings in more than 30 countries. Services include furnace relines and repairs in primary and secondary aluminium plants, as well as foundries, for all types of furnaces, including reverberatory, melting, holding, top-loading, tilting, rotary and others.

Pyrotek also offers thermocouple assemblies designed for aluminium melting and holding furnaces. Furnace tools such as tap plugs and cones, skim blades, dross pans, sample spoons, etc. are available in a wide range of sizes and designs.

  • Increased metal quality​
  • Lower energy costs​
  • Improved process efficiency​
  • Customized solutions​
  • Reduced downtime through maintenance-focused refractory care

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